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"Self Portrait"

Collage, Photoshop. 2018

"Circus Cards"

Ink, Illustrator, InDesign. 2017

"Alphabet Cards for Delinquents"

Ink, Illustrator, InDesign. 2017

D: "Drug dealer dog dispenses dope to Dalmatian."

P: "Pimp panda pressures prostitute off pole."

C: "Cop cat cuffs criminal cat by car."

Infographic for Fundación Honra, Santiago Chile

InDesign. 2017

Fundación Honra is an organization that works to prevent domestic violence in dating relationships with unique focus on young people in Latin America. 

This list provides the 10 signals of alarm in relationships that could potentially become abusive. The use of emojis attempts to grab the attention of young viewers who are likely familiar with these digital symbols. 

Character Set for Washington University Residential College Mascots

Adobe Suite. 2017

Alpaca Patterns for SWAP,

Sharing With a Purpose

Adobe Suite. 2017

GIF, Photoshop "You are what you eat"

Panda Poster, Illustrator


Upcycled Clothing Designs for WUpcycle & SWAP,

Sharing With a Purpose

"Unwearable" Textiles

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